
It's been over a year since anyone put anything here.

Yay me. Don't worry. Things come and go; this is the way of "things." Perhaps next year I might be so pensive and deign to make such a post again.

Until that time, yay blogging. Interesting you've become a prime political commentary source, and to think a bunch of kids used you to talk and bullshit and dramatize long before.

How it all flies. Goodbye.

ps. If I do check this in a year, let myself be reminded (and everyone else out there, should they choose to read it) that Count Zero's "Radium Eyes" on Guitar Hero II is the greatest song ever written, and today Chris and Katie got me a second controller for it. Yippee!


Ah, hello again, Blog. We've shared some good times. Good times, indeed.

Reading back over the Blogs is a chore. One doesn't really undertake it with a scientific longing ever; after all, we lived it. So we approach it with that wonder of listening to a story. And oh, a story it is. A thousand thousand tales even the greatest author would simply drop his pen before and not even attempt to rival.

This is the essence of the Blog: the greatest story of our lives, in that it IS exactly that: our lives. Often I wonder to myself: how will I use this story in ten years? As a measuring stick for the development of my character? As a lesson-type ordeal telling the future the way or way not to go? Shall I look upon it with indifference, and become that completely forward-minded individual we all aspire to be? Ah, time will tell, friends. The ultimate equation, the unsolvable science: experience and the flow of time. Something I will always think about and always come away from unsatisfied. There are no answers: perhaps this is a test in itself, to be able to discover the lack of answers given no time and limited present ability to experience and intake experiences happening elsewhere and wise; and then, to deal with the emotion appropriately.

Lately, I have been thinking about my childhood. When I was young, I used to believe in the "panacea" for all problems. For a long time, I still did. It messed with a lot of aspects of myself, such as the ability to think in universal terms; it screwed up my sense of logic. Yet it was fascinating to think that there is one, primal cause to all things that can make the world work. The "nepenthe".

It still tickles my fancy to think about the one cause being the motivator for everything that we do; or that absolutely one factor in our lives controls everything that happens with us, come good, come ill. In scientific terms, surely, it is unrealistic. In a world-weary mind, where the equations and balances grow dead with over-use, one comes to ponder all of the impossible and the intrepid, that which has not been seen, that which shall never be.

Alas, I believe my train of thought ended there, with that last line. I wanted to make a big post because I haven't made one since...well, October, for crying out loud. Have to keep up my dominance of the word market here, you know. I forgot what my average was up to, but needless to say, it's fallen to an abysmal number now. I am not proud: I pride myself on the ability to be able to compose as I do, be the posts completely vapid; I am happiest when I am able to take my knowledge of the rules of composition and script and just put them to use. And yet the subject of English mechanics bores the hell out of me.

Well, let's continue, then. Here's a touchy subject.

"I am old, I am old, I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled." - T.S. Eliot

Ah yes, I am getting older. I say it, and in text, it sounds as if I have come to the end of my path; but no. I say it simply because it is true: I am growing older, and things about me are aging as well. My ability to heal isn't what it used to be, my speed is falling, my mind is expanding, my patience grows, my perception of time is shaky at best: it flies by in gushes and torrents. Amazing! I used to think I would never be able to get tired when running around the yard all day.

I remember the day it happened, that I figured out my endurance was fading: I was about 11 years old, and I realized, when playing with my younger sister and cousins, I couldn't keep up in the same way as they did. Granted, I was the biggest, and thus, dictator, but something was odd and vaguely unfamiliar, and that was: I was slowing down, slowly but surely.

I can honestly say that my energy was unlimited as a child. Getting me to sleep was a feat in itself. I don't know why, but I simply was, for lack of a better word, a manic when it came to being awake. I loathed sleep. I wanted to stay up late all the time.

This changes for everyone: it's not special. And yet the experience is brand new. Isn't that strange to think about? The feeling is documented, discussed, established; and yet, for you, for me, the feeling of aging is brand new. I have never lived to have felt this before, at least in the scope of my practical memory. I have never lived to have felt time slipping through my fingers faster than ever. It is brand new. Amazing.

Life: I love ya. Life is like a small child: you must cater to it well, or things can get well out of hand. Yet with the correct pushes and the care and tenderness that all life deserves, one is able to do great things; one is able to take that life they are given and mold it into whatever shape they require: we mold the future. The power is over-whelming and sits on the edge of a knife: are you capable of balancing that knife so that "the inevitable" doesn't happen? Am I?

I believe I am now. The past couple of months have been a solidifying process for me. I have been trying to find out exactly what I know, and how much I know about it, about the direction, processes, and speed at which, by which, and to which, respectively, of my life. This has been a difficult process: I don't believe anyone can face their Master without humble eyes and expect to come out unbruised. I found myself in my lowest points, lower than ever, yet I knew I was there for a reason: to find out why I had to be there in the first place. A cycle of discovery with the answer leading to the element of one: who am I?

I used to answer this question quite easily, "You are Josh Chandler, blah blah description here." I have found much more than that now, but so great is that list that to expound upon it would take an infinitude of time, so as to be able to describe in detail each decision I have made in my life that has nurtured my existence to this point. My answer is vague in my mind, and unclear; but it is the reuslt of great clarity that such has happened: for in discovering the facets of myself, the true answers have become mysteries, and the hidden has become the solution; everything is backwards and very undescribable except to he who holds the key to what all these answers are...and that is me.

Enough. Wow. That should hold in for another 3 months or so. But maybe more to come? Medicines do strange things to one's mind...not good things, at times, but great things to one who would dig deep enough. And with this, I rest. Goodnight, all.




nope- will and I were just dicussing this- she's probably pissed
Hey.... anyone heard from elizabeth?


College doesn't have to be such a bitch at the very beginning. I think it's time to deinstitutionalize it just a bit...perhaps, yes, we will lose ground with all the Frenchies and Japanese and whatnot. But think about it: we have a utilitarian mindset in America...how about one where the quality of life is the most important?

Fucking profit margins. I hate this planet.


That would be hilarious, Will. I would laugh so hard.

Josh, you keep putting whatever you want on your xanga- it's yours after all. Just warning you that mom was reading it.

Rosie- don't worry, I'm not putting Phil on my site at least. But I agree with Will- I don't think you should be freaking over this. I'm in a ton of groups and I don't know 99.9% of the people on my "friends" list very well at all. I haven't ever met some of them. Don't worry about him- just focus on going to college for right now.
No offense (kind of), but thus far his comments and mindset have been quite immature. More friends doesn't mean shit. GOOD friends is all that matters. And you will find your niche as the time comes, honestly. I'm just so sick of all this "you need a big group!" shit. That's just shit! I suppose some people are down with that mindset, and if you are, good for you, but really, you're epitomizing this gang-mentality that has become so prevalent in our society already, "More is better."


Anyway, umm....kinda bad about the SOrig thing. I'm probably not going to stop saying awful stuff in there, cuz that's the way it's always been...ok, well it's never been SOOOO bad, but to an extent, I'll probably be posting much the same as before. Honestly, I've been disencorporated from your life in their minds, and what I have to say in my own space shouldn't be shit to anyone else. Not trying to be all rebellious, but I never asked anyone to come and read my Xanga consistently. If it offends, you may press "X" and we'll be all the better.

Thusly, thus.

Man, I'm just stressing out, hence the attitude. Need to work on the paper.

The paper...oh yeah.
Yay for mrs. reid.
My mom wouldn't even know where to begin looking for xanga... not that she knows what a xanga is.
Anyway, so you know (to josh and linds) those lines that phil has been pulling... like not dating for a month. Not LOOKING for a date for a month but if it happens it happens. Or that he's just looking for a ton a friends right now. Go to his facebook and check out his groups...
Yea... their is a dating group on there connecting Hott christian girls to boys.
Pray for me all. I'm ok until I shocked like that. For once, I think his words should line up with his actions!

Luv ya'll

Linds. I don't give a damn if phil is on here. If he does than he understands that whatever we say doesn't leave th blog. Its a rant area and he reads on his own risk. He's never seen me really and passionately pissed yet so it might be a surprised. esp when it's aimed at him.
Oh my God. Two posts. One day. *faint*

Don't worry, Rosie, you're time will come. Josh, I completely know what you're talking about. Things are really boring until classes get started. We're now on our second week of school, and Welcome Week is still going strong, but ours is for everybody, not just Freshmen. But we do get a wonderful e-mail every day or so telling us to "go make friends and get involved!" I hate when adults use exclaimation points to make themselves sound younger.

Classes are fun, though. A challenge for once- I've never really known what that's felt like, and it's really nice.

Oh, by the way, my mom found the "Strankuba Originals" link on my website and is reading yalls xangas, so try not to say anything to incredibly horrendous, especially you, Josh.

I'm so glad that people are posting again! My heart is so happy!

Rosie, post that Friends thing that you were trying to post on my xanga on my blog because it looks funny. And sounds a lot like me. I'm thinking of naming my first child Emma Rachel- if it's a boy. Hahaha- that really wasn't funny. I'm going to bed now.

Hey Rosie, you still want Phil on the blog, cause I'd gladly oblige you. That was really mean. I'm actually going to bed now, but I couldn't resist.


*twiddle thumbs*
*counts sheeps*
*plucks daisies*
Hahhh.....boring college. Nothing but sitting in my room all day looking at a stupid computer screen. I reallllllyyyyy don't want to type this paper, but I am, anyway. Shit shit shit.

Hahah, no, that was read a long time ago. I think he just noticed that I referenced some site that he liked as well, and put it in his post. But that's ok, because this is public access after all, and we can't help that. So whateva.

I miss you very much....verrrryyyy much.

I really can't wait for school to start, so I can put down the hashpipe and go learn something worthwhile. This fucking dorm is hot enough to melt a snow witch's heart in December. Every time I touch the floor, a layer of my skin is left behind. That's just the way it is. I think I need s'more pills or something, being all fatalistic.

I got my books today, and they are awesome. Haven't read anything, just looked through...I must say, I am entertained. Please start, school...please? I never thought I would say that, but I'm tired of being patronized by the Dean and his bitches over "WELCOME WEEK FRESHMAN ACTIVITIES." Know what that means? That means nobody else gets to do these activities. No fun for you after freshman year. Hell, I could use one next year. PATRONIZATION IS GAY. Seriously, I wish I would have joined military school. No, not really, I just need a place with less fun. All that stuff you heard about this being a big party school? 100 percent TRUE.

Today I helped Anne Marie install a mouse and printer. That was the highlight. And I met her roommate Jennifer. Then we discussed how stupid our "reading assignment" was...seriously, college, something that requires more than a blood pressure reading, please. Then I left, came back home, talked to Sam for a while, told him that yes, we actually DO have a book to read (that Crazy Azn), and a report too...hahahahaha (evilly). It's all nuts here.

And to think that over a quarter of these people are simply not going to be here after the four years are over...maybe even more (as has been the case, especially at this school). Over half will lose their HOPEs (2.75 for the first 24 hours). That just freaks you out, if you think about it too much. That's why I'm about to switch off the brain and die for tonight.

Guess what? Post, or die.