
oh yeah.

GAME BOY - Born to Play
A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of
sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have
your electronics you feel you can cope. Time
goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room
hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your
favourite collection of guitar-driven albums.
Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour,
Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life,
action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.
EXTRA: Your personality type is the only one on
this quiz that would enjoy www.life-
blood.cjb.net. Check it out!

What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
terms are out??? meaning what exactly???
Thanx Linds! Everyone has heard that joke and thinks it's dumb now, even tho I'm sitting here laughing really hard every time I think about it. Sigh. But you laughed and that's awesome.

It's Saturday, yah, but even that is waning, making life horrible.

Yes, I live with all girls, and in context, PMS stands for PreMondaySyndrome. It's massive depression marked by the onset of a new week, mostly on Sundays but auspiciously clear in the slow points of really good weekends.

My dad almost got robbed today. He was asleep and the back door was open, then he heard movement and screamed, "HEY!", and whoever it was ran out and slammed the door...nothing was taken. It's also all my fault since I took Katie to Guard this morning and, in our hurry, we left the door unlocked. I felt horrible, and still do, considering. Of course, da doesn't care.

He also just happened to come across a copy of the movie Memento on Friday, so we're going to watch that here in a second. Just happened to, mind, I didn't even tell him about Psychology, and suddenly he goes, "I got this movie called "Memento", it came out awhile back..." And then I told him the whole plot of the movie, the life story of the guy, his brain damage, his credit card numbers, and other cooler stuff, and dad was just sitting there going, "Uh...that's cool."

I drove about a hundred miles today, it was badass. I went to Opry Mills and bought a really cool toboggan, which happens to be really cool, albeit a plain, black colour. Guess whar I got it from.

And I heard CHINGY on the way home, and I cried when he said, "POKEchop." It, too, was sweet.

Y tu mama, tambien. OOH BIOTCH. Heheheh. That's the name of some Latin specialty movie I always see in the new releases at Blockbuster, even tho it's been out for the better part of two years. Just the fact that it says, "And your mom too" is really frickin' cool. It would be even better if "biotch" were attached on there, too.

And...the Philly Cheese Steak Pizza from Domino's is...eh. It's ok. It's a bit hard to chew. It also tastes weird, like...part pizza, and part philly cheese steak. It makes for an interesting conflagration. Not to mention my intestines are screaming for death cuz of all the grease thereby.

Caffeine ist bad. Reichstag. And other German stuff.

Farewell friends.
it's only8 sat. We still have Sunday .... so don't get me depressed!!!!!
BTW terms are out guys.

and you don't know what pmsin.....oh wait...you live with all girls...nm
Oh, my god, Josh. That is one of the best jokes I've ever heard, perhaps the corniest, but definitely one of the best.
Arr mateys, again. Heheheh. This is the bad joke that I wouldn't allow myself to tell on Linds's, but here it be.

So a pirate walks into a bar and he has a steering wheel sticking out of his fly. The bartender looks over and gestures at the wheel, saying, "'Eh there, you know you got a steering wheel sticking out of your fly?"

The pirate says, "Arr mate, I know, and it's drivin' me nuts!"

Arr! Heheheheh. I heard these on the radio this morning, in lieu of Speak Like A Pirate Day being revered by the Bob and Tom Show, and I had to share because I cried when I heard them. Plus, every five seconds or so, Bob and Tom would stop the show on account of a rousing bout of "Arr!"s. It was so [sic].

I'm eating some sort of nasty breaded plant and noodles. Oh, what is wraught in the name of sustenance.

Anyway, the weekend is almost over...this is kind of a bummer. Feel that PMS coming on already.

What does "chack?" mean anyway?
Oh yea,...I got the same thing and I'm NOT like you so....um....that test is skewed
The most random post on this BLog ever...the prize goes to Rosie. "CHACK?" Rhymes with "CRACK" which is wacha been smokin' RosiePosie...heheheh.

My hur ("hair" in Chingy speak) is in a ponytail, is very pretty, and smells vaguely of Herbal Essences.

Are there anymore vacancies in the "I Look Like Crap" Club? Because I really need to join. Imagine a train wrecking into a plane with a nuke going off in the center of it all, and that's how I look today. Not sleeping much and having to wake up hella early is bad, and makes one look like crap, especially the male side of the species since we don't tend to like to cover it up with such wonderful devices as "makeup". Of course.

Except Johnny Depp was *BADASS* with eyeliner and shadow...I'm seriously going to do that for the rest of my days. Look...Layne Staley did it, Trent Reznor (tho I don't like NIN but Trent is a badass too) did it, Johnny Depp being a badass pirate did it...I need to do it.

Abby expanded the triad of the godly hierarchy yesterday, from a triarchy to a quadrarchy. Jesus Christ, Jerry Cantrell, Johnny Cash, and Josh Chandler. Hahahahaha. Abby has synapses firing like no other to have caught that...heheh, she's awesome. It's too bad that the Chandler one is going to fail at life and at school. Heheheh.

O man, I told y'all.

GIRLY GIRL - Clever Kitty
A GIRLY-GIRL. You dont have a lot of self-esteem
and people are always bringing you down for
being sad. What do they know, anyway? You feel
like youre too mature for your age and are
frustrated by the trend-followers who refuse to
accept you because youre not like them.
Your virtues: Intelligence, understanding nature,
Your flaws: Lack of social life, inferiority
complex, timidity.

What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


oh yea....your parents anal??? have you even thought of mine?!


Oh my God. I don't even want to post mine in comparison with that. You smote me. I actually don't know if that was even a sentence, but I like the word anyway. CHECK YOUR E-MAIL EVERYBODY!!! Maybe if I shout that loud enough I can wake people up enough to get some replies.
And seeing as how you are the spelling queen of the world, you have every right to critique my spelling, right? Heheh.

I typed it fast and in fading sunlight, in a really akward position because the chair I'm sitting in is broke and it forced me to pull myself straight and stare down at the notebook which I wrote the sucker in, which is also irregularly placed, double-forcing my redesigned posture.

"I sink and then some." Kurt Cobain is Awesome.

Heh. Mine's not that...horrifying...but umm how do you spell lesssen again? Oh yea! leSSen...

I love a word....Strangkuba....it's time to bring THAT one back again.
Rosie, you're right, she probably did.

Linds, you're right, I did and it was good. MLK conjures up a lot of bad shit most of the time. Except it smells like popcorn in there constantly, and fresh popcorn is a really frickin' cool smell.

It'd be nice if our school could have more of the commodities that MLK has, like popcorn machines and junk. Altho ours looks a lot less evil, almost bleach white in comparison.

Speaking of...I wanted to post my "Truants in the Hands of an Angry Principal" lecture, and see the rest of y'alls too, this being a gathering of the most diabolical minds in all of the English classes, I would reckon. So, here goes...

"How is it that my untamed wrath could ever be questioned Behold!, I am the scourge of your kind, and you are but fodder for the machine of my dominion, the harvest of my malice, and the beacon to my hate. Your furthered existence within these halls is naught but a testament of my mercy, yea! I hold your souls from that precarious edge of expulsion as a debt to the gods of patience. But, weary my arm but a trifle, that closed protal that saves you from the perdition of exile and shame, and lo, shall I drop you and invite such demons of failure to feast upon your paltry, blighted souls. Think you, your purpose here, be it one of choice? Nay! Your time in my realm has been forced upon me, and may I be smote by the fury of the cruelest stuff of creatoin if I do not maintain the mask of my authority! It has been written: no flesh, no excuse, no thing of man or nature born may save you from the blood-blackened blades of my endless power, nor shall they lesssen the price of your sins. Hear my words! I am Logosian, I am both North and South, yea East and West, and every step erstwhere, I am your redepmtion and your executioner, I am the silent imminent in every conversation, every echo and bump when you may earnestly believe your solitude secure. And above all, my thirst for the flaying of young fleshes has yet to be quenched. Behold!, I am Principal Harshwords, demigod in my own accord, above all with the iron gauntlet of my reign bearing the contract of your soul tight within. Hence, let no man step forward, or may he ever be contained in the crucible (bonus points!) of my fury, ever a depiction of the eternal advent of my anger."

I thought it sounded rather dumb so I wanted some suggestions, if anyone would care to give them, and I want to read y'alls too so gimmie.
um....so should we all go down to MLK and get your ring back or has she swallowed it
You don't hate your life. You've got Abby. Now go call her. Now.


Ok, so imagine a shaggy drowned rat.

Now superimpose that image on a 16-year-old with long hair and you have...a bizarre genetics experiment. But no, today I remembered why I hate recording by myself so much...I'm the only one to get pissed off when things go wrong, and TRUST ME, I get plenty pissed off. So I was absolutely screaming in between takes today while recording...something...and sweating like no other because the fan was off and the vent was closed...so as to prevent that wonderful audial entropy called "NOISE". But that still didn't stop the cords from getting crossed and making a wonderful 128+ dB hum called "FEEDBACK" that also qualifies as "NOISE", expect I was using "MIC LINES", and "MIC LINE FEEDBACK" is so much worse than, say, "AMPLIFIER FEEDBACK".

Sorry for the biting sarcasm all. This is me pissed off and trying to catch my breath.

Not to mention the wonderful waste at MLK today...trying to get my ring back. I didn't, if anyone didn't get that earlier post. So I was incredibly pissed off today, but I did get to see Chloe and Boy at my dad's so that was frickin' AWESOME.

Man...every time I go to MLK I lose a bit of my rational thought for a while. Like, right now I'm trying to remember all those wonderful phrases I normally use, but I can't. Like "OMG that is so L337". There's one, but still.

End result: I hate my life. A lot. And my anorexia is saying "don't eat anymore" but I'm going to, by golly, because I'm frickin' hungry.

Anyone who hasn't heard the band Cold hasn't come to be yet. You need to hear something from Year of the Spider and your life will be changed forever.

RAAAAAUHGGGGGHHH. So pissed! My cat is in the other room meowing his head off and I want to go and KILL him. And that isn't normal, friends, most of the time I just don't care. But today was a downer so there.

Bon soir, amis. YES.
I went to MLK today. I didn't get what I came for.

ummm huh?
Whye thanke youe. Ie wondere howe longuee thise wille laste.

Ok, it just ended, so not too long.

Lindseyreid, I was looking all over for you and couldn't find you! But I tried, just so's you know. And also so that you can have sympathy when you're sitting there going, "YOU WERE MY RIDE AND YOU DITCHED ME, BIOTCH!" Actually, that would be really funny to see happen, altho not at the time, by any means.

I'm sitting at my dad's waiting for the inevitable flood...

Wish me luck, all....


omgE, joshE, thatE wasE annoyingE toE readE andE figureE outE. =P
Thank you Josh. That was the first thing all day that made me laugh.
Boy howdy, do I. I should speakth ye olde Englishe moree oftene.

Noticee thee overusee ofe e'se. That'se verye importante toe olde Englishe. Soe ise taykinge words likee "taking"e ande mispellinge theme.

Awwe woote. Thate ise prettye frickine dibblee.

L337e P\/\/|\|$@|_|R'|)e 2e T|-|Ee |\/|@X@|_|Re.

daspygal... gotta love that.
"Bullshit is the balance to common sense; it's just too bad that shit is all that's left."

Hark! Down ye, thou dasypygal scheming whoreson!

Heheh. YES.


hmm you aren't one of those two.
You're half right. Phil is definately on the list and Collin is an angel but Becca isn't.
I think they need to get married considering how much they like the ...tick me off to put ti nicely.

Alright don't call but I'm over it. Piano has frustrated the anger out of me...well for Becca's side...Philip is going to be dead if I decide to talk to him tomorrow. If I don't, well I guess I won't be talking to him. hmm who knows....zabeth can i borrow some torture devices?
Am I one of those two people?

If not, I guess Phil and... Colin??
JOSH and ZABETH....call me. I'm going to chew two people out and i need to scream.

BLogger format has changed for a while...this always happens on Sunday. Huzzah, it won't be like this for long, tho.

So, I was looking around on IMDB and I found out that Jerry Cantrell was in Jerry Maguire, with one line and everything. He was Jesus at the CopyMat, or so IMDB says.


"That's the way to become great, just hang your balls right out there."


That's all friends. YES.

September is a really pretty word. So is December.