
Hey Josh...Jaoh...it's been awhile.
Anyway I wasn't going against my better judgment call me at nite...3646110... and it'll be ok but I usually don't get in until around 12...that's 11 for you so yea. Leave a msg though. Ask linds to call if she wants to talk. How's becca? Will is in CO right now and he's pissed and you guessed it..phil. Becca told him what phil said when he called her a spoiled brat and "can be repalced easily" and he's furious. So I think she's repressing something about what she really feels about what phil said that nite. I'm not happy with what he said but she should also know that she asked for the true and open feelings and he gave it to her. You would know if she's truly ok. I don't want another shocker from her or for her to get out of shock when I get back or... basically I want her happy. you know infront of me she's going to put on a face that says everything is alright. One of the things that phil did that nite beside yell at her was to make her feel guilty. If we didn't date because of her she would feel extra guilty because right now she thinks that what phil really wants is me...We'll discuss that later...that's a whole different argument for another day. Anyway she actually told me that she would hate me if I hurt him...yea right. Take care fo yourself for me k? You know I would have bubble wrapped you before I left if didn't know you wold have killed me...after you popped it all. Just take care, hug yourself for me everyday and hug linds for me too. Tell will that I'm not a blind twit when it comes to phil and that no matter what I love him too. Linds... just bubble wrap her with a peguino in it...then let her out after she has popped. Hug becca and tell her that Phil loves her daily...actually space it out because she doesn't like that name right now. Josh, you know how I feel about cheating and how much right now that Phil could hurt me. I also know that you know that becca wants to become closer to phil right now and not really with me. If anything happens btwn them two, lemme know. Don't worry I'm not going to run home and go on a completely rampage, honestly deep down I would be extremely hurt and grateful that the thing has ended. I just want a heads up so I don't come home and break down. I love you!!! take care. byebye


Heya Rosie. Yar, sorry I didn't call, I didn't want to get you in trouble or whatever (like you had formally said), and I thought you might have been going against your better judgment on my suicidal behalf. So I'll try again later, perhaps, if you say to.

Linds is doing alright, by all accounts, and that is excellent. She'd been having seperation anxiety for a while there: feel like you don't belong back home, I had it plenty. I should really let her tell what she will, but that's the jist of it. Things are calming down, the problems are falling in the sights of our long-range "problem-solving" rifles. I'm going over there in a minute, so I'm going to stop talking.

Have fun at guv'na school. Will ain't dead insofaras I know, I'll check if I can, however that may be. Peace.


Ok now that I've got more than like 30 sec to post, I'm glad that you called Josh...nice to know that you're alive and all. Is Linds out? I thought she got out today...Wednesday. How is she? One of the things I hate about being here is that I'm not there to see her when she does get out. Give her a hug for me...or alot of them. Are her parents still keen on not letting you two see each other? How does she feel? Tell me k? Have you heard from Will...has he jumped off a cliff yet? I haven't heard from him except to tell me to multiply by the page number when I didn't know an answer. Smile I'm still alive thought if you want to report to Phil that I'm dead, pregnant, anorexic, psychotic, in love with someone else...I don't care. But smile k? for me? yea I know not huge incentive but I still love you too. Anyway gtg. BYebye
I'm happy that you're ok but I still love you. I gtg I have class. e-mail me!!! byebye


I'm here! I was taking a break because life was raping me, and the BLog was pissing me off. I'm silly and I'm EMO, and these two things, my friends, do not combine well. It's like oil and water that gets mixed and turns into bullshit, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, tonite I saw Ms. Reid, and 'twas fucking awesome (for lack of a stronger and better phrase. You can't get much better than "fucking awesome"; actually, you can't get better than "fucking awesome". So now I'm in a good, less EMO, more xHARDCOREx mood, and that's what I like. Sorry about the "Death Is Good" post. Well, not really, but if it makes you feel better Ms. Jiang, if you can buy that, please do.

I am about worn out. I just took 4 of my beautiful trileptols and I'm dying. It's time to hit the sack and stare for a few hours (too many naps today).
