
Okiie. I spelled okie with two i's. What are we, Finnish? Well, that's ok, but still!

I'm back! I lived the ultimate dream: heavy metal Love Shack by the B-52s on New Year's Eve in front of about two hundred people going, "What teh fook?" and the other ten or so going, "Woo, Hoshua is a sexy beast!!!" And David Romeo and Steven Jones were up tharr as well, they were instrumental to the end of the song. They didn't really know the words, but hey! We're all human.

It was lots of fun. I should tell you that further mail to myself, family, or Abby should be directed to Arizona as of about three hours from now. If only.

Time to sleep!, speaking of three hours, that's how much I got. Actually four, I was supposed to get three but I ended up sleeping in and causing problems! How much like the rest of my life eh?

Go aboot to look oot for them Canucks, eh.
I spelled penguin with two i's. Looks really cool. That's how it should be spelled from now on.


No, I was including the loofa in the 6. So 7 penguins- 1 penguiin that was never there to begin with= 6 penguins.


no...linds said 6 penguinos when there were actually 7!

