Well crüe. I'll be seeing the greater part of you bright and early à demain. I am weary with death and fatigue. It'd be really funny if I missed the bussi. Lord, but it would.
So. Males are evil. Of course we are. In general, guys are just more hellbent on self-indulgence and fulfillment. But from a more general perspective, and to defend my species, if it weren't for our being evil there wouldn't be a species. Lord knows it's the evil of man's heart that makes us kill, and try to stay alive, and procreate. You know if it weren't for some horny bastard deciding to take a poke at Cavelady Grunwelda we wouldn't have gone much past our roots, evolutionarily speaking. And I know the female part of the equation wasn't thinking on those lines.
Yes, the male species is evil...unfortunately, we're a necessary type. What a debacle it must be for the she-woman manhaters such as Rosie.
I didn't say that last part for any reason. I just wanted to use the word "debacle". Damn, is it crunk.
It's time to schleep!