
European History test RIGHT NOW. Pray for me, random peoples who happen to be reading this in the middle of the day.


One more thing:

I had some dream last night, I can't remember what it was exactly, just that it was bombastic, fast, it was confusing, and I woke up bewildered but motionless two hours early, stared at the ceiling and drifted to the shower later on. Remember before when the dreams consisted of elements of life that weren't right? This was all of them combined, I think, the world simply wasn't right. A song set it off, Numb by Linkin Park. I fell asleep with that song in my head and it played through most of the dream, and moreover, the chorus. Look up the song sometime, try here. I'm not sure why but it did.

Silly chronicles of life.
They say that our skit was awesome. I'm impressed.

Although some things sucked. But o well, that's the way indy-produced movies are. I have yet to see it, cannot wait for seventh, which is when we might see it. The suspense is killing me. See?, I just died. Never mind me, I'm on drugs.

Time to get back in the studio, we're going to finish Bitter, get some gigs, then start working on Dust & Shadows which, believe it or not, has all the work done for it already. Yes, I have no live.

The sun's out, thank god.


Hi all.

Coach King said our skit was the "best, but the least technologically-endowed". That was kind of a bolster. We have a research paper in there, which was assigned our class on Friday; I've already finished it, mostly before I went to the DI meet...oh yeah, that.

I sucked. It was horrible. I died. We got second to last, we bombed the instant challenge, I sucked in the skit so there was really nothing to go on. I realize how much everyone was relying on me to shine in that thing, but I simply couldn't think fast enough. It was as if my brain was numb that day. After the fact I went and sat by myself for a while, I called my dad and talked to him for a while, I talked to my mom because I had before, telling her about how we blew it on the instant challenge, but just before I called her, as I was about to press the button to call her, in fact, I got a call from Rosie; it was a startling bolt of clarity in the midst of that depressive soup.

After the competetions were over, the team went across the street for pizza, and we explored a book shop next door, looking for a copy of The Necronomicon among other things, and swapping stories about the occult in the spellbook section of the place, located far in the back of the store. I came home and slept; what else was there to do? Moreover, what else did I want to do? I got into a few fights with my dad that day. It's starting to hurt me a lot, to have to fight with people. Lately, I've notice that I've been catching myself before I'm about to say something that'll set someone off. I can't believe I was so stupid as to think humanity was my toy. Sorry all.

It's weird, when I start fighting with someone these days; I just want to disappear, or cry, anything but start fighting. I can't understand it, it isn't like me at all.

Maybe it's just lack of sleep, maybe puberty giving way to maturity; whatever the case, it feel awful, and I hope I can stand up until it ends.