
*bow* Congrats, finally. Well at least for now....yes, always, I am the addle-pated preacher.

Dudes, I fucking am so tired. I don't know what I'm still doing awake. I really don't want to sleep, is what...you know? I'm really tired and I think I'm going to die man, but it's just not in my card for me to go to bed yet. It's an odd, paradoxical feeling I thought I would share.

Anyway, my head is also buzzing with Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea (beats Peach Tea by a long shot...surprise!), which is manufactured in NYC, strangely. And also buzzing with Chester and his performance of A Place For My Head. Seriously, palpatations, convulsions, spasms, laughing at the top of my lungs for about three hours since. My chest snapped as it constricted with Chester's awesomeness.

And dudes, what better, they're coming next month. I'm going, I asked Abby (kind of afraid of the pit...this is a pit, man, a real damn pit), we should all go. Damn, that would be slick. We would seriously all join the pit and get our asses kicked and love it. POD (big woop), Hoobastank (eh) and Story of the Year (who?) are opening. Damnit, I am excited. I should have never taken that CD when my dad put it in my hands. It's just too damn much. I haven't been this excited over music since I acquired my first old Metallica and wrote my first halfway-plausible song. It's that heavy. I'm going to shut up now, maybe it's the tea.

I'm going to bed, I think. Please forgive whatever the hell I said here, not even I know. I was needing myself to type some of the caffeine away. Farewell til Sunday.


OK, I'll post, even though I'm about to call you and tell you what happened, just so it will be recorded when we're in college and look back at how crazy we were. Anyway, so around 7:30 (like, right after Friends, which was incredibly convenient) he called, and there was the whole small talk thing for a little while, and then he was like "Look, I need to apoligize for something." And playing the innocent, I go "Really? What's that?" And he's like "I'm sorry I've kinda been ignoring you and stuff (actually he used a word other than ignore, but I can't remember what it is, but it set a different tone which is why I'm mentioning it) but I do have a good reason. When I was going out with Anne Marie, she broke up with me because she thought I was too clingy. I just didn't want to make the same mistake and lose someone I care about." Yeah, so after that he'd completely won all forgiveness and everything just because he was being so damn sweet, so I was like "It's ok!" and stuff like that and then I said "But in all honesty, just forget everything Anne Marie ever taught you, because I'm like the exact opposite." And he was like "yeah, I figured." Then we set up a date for Saturday. w00t. Lots of fun, and I (semi) did it myself. With a lot of help from Becca and Josh. And I'm happy. Which is really all that matters.
Woo! I got ranted.

I think it's a big mistake having a middle man here, dude. If I had thought it would be a good thing, I would have said yes; but I figure if you're to the point where you can be gf/bf, this sort of mediation shouldn't be needed. And I know it sounds really parental and "Father knows best"ish, but I'm really of the opinion that no one can teach you things like this, and if they try to, you'll probably end up learning them wrong. I hope things work out OK in any case.

Some guy just came to the door, raising money for a wheelchair basketball team. I asked me how I was doing, I gave the standard, "Pretty good, you?" and then he paused, looked at me sort of ponderingishly, and said "Really good...actually." I thought that was a really cool answer, and I wondered what led to him being able to say that. I don't know why, I just thought I would share. We bought the book, by the way, and you should too. After all, my dad's disabled and could qualify to be on that team if he could shoot hoops and maneuver a wheelchair worth a damn. So buy it.

And Linds, keep on with your posts despite this, don't reply to that last part, pretend it's not there. I just had to put that down because it just happened and I wanted to record it.


True, but remember who has set up the last (and only) two dates, who is the only one who has called the other (except for the whole directions thing), and the one to start the majority of the conversations in school. You've got to talk to him. I think I'm going to call you now even though I know very good and well you're on the phone with Abby. I need to rant. Congrats on being the rantee.
I have no idea what his URL is actually. I just figured that's what happened...it's what I'd do/did. I'll roll some heads. I never really see Rob when you're not there. In the mornings he's playing Aetolia in the library. And yes, I could envision that to be a bit more than frustrating. I was, again, moreso unimpressed today than ever. I swear, he didn't even look in your direction, as if to see if you were looking in his direction, know what I mean?

I think the problem is that guys finding dating a girl to be really...I dunno, voliatile? I guess that's the best, albeit slightly offensive, word. We envision that if we do one thing wrong, it's all over. And we're very afraid to be pushy, too. At least some of us are. *shrug*

This is all from my perspective. You know what I think you should do, per your BLog; but that's never going to happen. I hesitate to say that it won't grow if he doesn't do anything soon, but I only hesitate. And remember, it takes TWO to have a relationship.

With extra emphasis on that last line, eh.
I want the new URL!!! If he's talking about me, I want to know what it says. Not like I would give him my URL (you haven't have you?), by any stretch of the imagination, but still...

I vote you say something to Rob. It's been a total of like two weeks of us being in school whilst dating and/or going out and/or whatever, and I don't think I've gotten even like a hug since then. And everyone KNOWS I'm too much of a wimp to ever say anything. *sigh* This is getting amazingly frustrating. Roll some heads, Josh. He considers you a good friend, so freaking talk to him. Note: NOT while I'm in the room. Talk to him when you see him in the mornings or something. And don't tell him I told you to tell him. You know the standard procedure. God, I HATE GUYS!!! (Not you, Josh. You either, Will. But that's probably cause I'm not planning on dating either of you in the next twenty years or so.) But the rest of them are impossible to figure out. He treated me more like a girlfriend BEFORE we went out. He hasn't even bothered to set up a freaking DATE yet. Such a puss, my God. Josh, you thought you were bad... that was nothing. Just talk to him please. This is getting amazing frustrating if you couldn't tell by my little rant.

It's amazing how frustrated I can get at him and it still be impossible to get mad at him. Even a little bit. I think it's the dimple.


What will your last words be? by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."FUCK YOU!"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Brr, kind of depressing. I tried changing things but all I got was that unoriginal "fuck you". I mean, can't we add some interesting other word things in into it? Brr.

I think Rob changed URLs because he started talking about you on them, Linds. I was not impressed with Rob's behaviour today, tho I will definitely chance to ask what the hell "mirror flirting" is :), and if was actually relevent. He needs to start stepping it up or I'm going to cut some heads, bia.
What will your last words be? by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."FUCK YOU!"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

What will your last words be? by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."sex?!!?"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

As I said on Liz's blog, it very much represents my two personalities: innocent/nice and (semi) mean.
Yes, her husband cheated on her, ergo the nasty divorce. Also, Josh, it was like the first thing he said to me. Here's kind of how the conversation went.

Lindsey: Hey
Rob: Hey. (few minutes later) I have a question.
L: I have an answer. Let's see if they match.
R: What's the answer?
L: No, question has to come first, that's the way things work.
R: I think we've come to that point in our relationship (blah blah blah)... Will you be my girlfriend. Sorry about asking online, but I'm a wimp face to face.
L: Of course, don't worry about being a wimp.

And then the convo took a turn so we weren't talking about that anymore.

And I was behind him on the way home and he smiled at me and made my day cause he kind of ignored my existence today. I'm rambling, so I'll shut up now. He hasn't posted on his blog in over a month now. *Sigh* Oh, well. I'm off now that I've bored you all to death.


OOOOOOOOOOO. that makes more sense. Bayrd...ga...i have half of it done. Also did you notice that our reading for Calhoun is due on a Saturday? Oh yea...it had sex in it again. Atleast this time it's human to human instead of human to cow...So yea. the back says it has to do with cheating wives. Interesting...now WHY are we reading this again? Did her husband cheat on her?
Yeargh. I told ye so lass. Did you start him off, or did he just come around? In any case, salt in the wounds, and congrats!

I rerecorded some of the old classics at Nick Bruey's house today. Golly gee, that kid. I wonder if he's human. I really do. But we did some recording and got the musical backbone to Painpainted down, now are the excessively violent lyrics! There's actually going to be radio-edit of sorts so that the parentals can hear this masterwork.

But enough aboot me, eh. My mother has a broken ankle so we're having to fend for ourselves, pretty much, and for her, now that I think of it. But it's all good. We always have enough junk in here to sustain ourselves on. As long as I don't get fat, hey, I dun care what I eat. Not to say that I'm not fat, but still.

God, am I an egotist, I started talking about me again! Brr! Katie is being Katie. She got an MP3 player and is no longer listening to the family, so it's impossible to talk to her anymore. My dad's phone line is out, and he hasn't been heard from for the last three days or so. Hmm.

T-Mobile still being gay. I'm really hungry, surviving on Wendy's (was surviving, it kinda ran out) and Abby's wonderful Christ o' the Mas chocolate chip cookizzles. And I think I need to go do some Sarah Bayrd. Now that you are all bored out of your skulls, I wish you all an excellent day.

Just read Rosie's post, so as a P.S.: he was referring to the car.
transcripts are $1. Our school is so wrong is so many ways. Since when did paper cost $1.
Have fun with the desk Josh. BTW how did your father help you "play" with the desk. How does one play with a desk?
I'm mailing it on the over-night shipping thing on Thursday.
what was wrong?
Linds when are you mailing out the application?


Thanks, Josh. For once in my life something has gone right. Probably wouldn't have if you hadn't calmed me down first, but anyway...

Thank you.