
You're in luck.  There is no way possible that that is true.  First, if you look at the picture, they have "implanted" the embryo in his stomach.  The "live" sonogram and vital signs keep repeating themselves.  And just logically, what hospital in its right mind would approve a study like this? Especially done on a human before trying it multiple times on an animal?  The thing in Time is fake- there is someplace that you can put your own face on the cover of Time, just like you can on the Wheaties box. And the other link talks about sea horses, not about human male pregnancy.  Sorry to bust your bubble, but this one isn't real.


Please tell me this isn't real. And if it is, just tell me it isn't anyway. Actually, yes, do tell me, my bullshit detector is going off on this one considering some of their other "experiements," like a mouse with human intelligence, which is just a bunch of flash and smart macros, or a genetics detector you can do ONLINE, just put your thumb to the screen (?). Or how about nanotechnology...o wait, that won't be coming out for the next three hundred years or so.
But this last one actually got press. I don't think the vital signs are real, nor is the sonogram, but it in itself might not be real. It says he'll be having the baby in private, so I don't believe it. And yes, you just read "HE'LL be HAVING THE BABY." This is fucking rich.

Now watch me look like an ass because I missed the one little line on there that said "PSYCH! Morons, joke's on you." But in my defense, I STILL can't see how this could be real.